Augen-Blicke: Your voice, your eyes ... Nostalgia Strange Fruit

Your voice, your eyes... - Alphaville - Jean-Luc Godard - 1965
Your voice, your eyes ... Nostalgia

Annie Lennox - Strange Fruit*: video premiere - Eurythmics frontwoman tackles the chilling Billie Holiday classic (The Guardian MusicBlog - dort ist das Video zu sehen!) von dem bemerkenswerten Album Nostalgia:
Annie Lennox's ongoing evolution from New Wave ruler into U.K. queen of blue-eyed soul isn't exactly surprising – her magnificent voice has always had an R&B foundation, on display in this orchestral set of jazz and blues standards. "Summertime," "Strange Fruit" and "God Bless the Child" show reverence and impeccable technique yet not quite enough signature to transcend mere impressiveness. Standouts: the Andrews Sisters' "I Can Dream, Can't I?" playfully set to a cha-cha groove, and Ellington's "Mood Indigo," with barrel-house brass and raw, if measured, blues hollers. "C'mon, play that thing!" Lennox goads a horn player. One might say the same to her. (Rolling Stone, Will Hermes | October 21, 2014)
Reinhören in das Album können Sie hier.
* Archäologie CCXLXIII: Abel Meeropol "Strange Fruit". Geschichte eines Liedes
Ich fand bisher, dass Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa die faszinierendste neuere Interpretation angeboten haben, spannend ist jetzt der Vergleich mit Annie Lennox's Interpretation.
+ Archäologie CXCVII: Nostalghia - Tarkowskis Nostalghia (1983)
+ GBlog-Augen-Blicke
gebattmer - 2014/10/21 19:33