Music Masterclass: Chilly Gonzales
Ich habe bereits vor einiger Zeit Chilly Gonzales empfohlen (Music & BookFinder - oder: How To Take A Good Chill Pill - oder: Chilly Connolly)

Anlässlich seines neuen Albums "Chambers" muss ich das dringend wiederholen.
An album for piano and string quartet, CHAMBERS re-imagines Romantic-era chamber music as today's addictive pop. Gestures from rap, ambient, easy listening and the avant-garde co-exist as always in Chilly Gonzales’ musical universe - this time with strings attached!
To guide fans into his Chambers, Gonzo introduces each song with a short note of intention and a dedication, download it here.
Alex Rühle ist ebenfalls begeistert: Chilly Gonzales Ah! und Oh! statt E und U (Süddeutsche, 24. März 2015)
Chilly Gonzales, the musical genius has been asked by the radio station WDR 1Live to explain some of today's pop music including Get Lucky (Daft Punk), Hold On (Drake), Entertainment (Phoenix), Fancy (Iggy), No Rest For The Wicked (Lykke Li) and Shake It Off (Taylor Swift).
This playlist contains Chilly Gonzales' other piano lessons as well: Chilly Gonzales - Pop Music Masterclass (1Live)
Ein schönes Beispiel für Gonzales' Schaffen: CHILLY GONZALES How a drummer plays piano |
+ Chilly Gonzales' streams on SoundCloud
+ Klavier spielen lernen mit Chilly Gonzales - Hausmusik zum Selbermachen

Anlässlich seines neuen Albums "Chambers" muss ich das dringend wiederholen.
An album for piano and string quartet, CHAMBERS re-imagines Romantic-era chamber music as today's addictive pop. Gestures from rap, ambient, easy listening and the avant-garde co-exist as always in Chilly Gonzales’ musical universe - this time with strings attached!
To guide fans into his Chambers, Gonzo introduces each song with a short note of intention and a dedication, download it here.
Alex Rühle ist ebenfalls begeistert: Chilly Gonzales Ah! und Oh! statt E und U (Süddeutsche, 24. März 2015)
Chilly Gonzales, the musical genius has been asked by the radio station WDR 1Live to explain some of today's pop music including Get Lucky (Daft Punk), Hold On (Drake), Entertainment (Phoenix), Fancy (Iggy), No Rest For The Wicked (Lykke Li) and Shake It Off (Taylor Swift).
This playlist contains Chilly Gonzales' other piano lessons as well: Chilly Gonzales - Pop Music Masterclass (1Live)
Ein schönes Beispiel für Gonzales' Schaffen: CHILLY GONZALES How a drummer plays piano |
+ Chilly Gonzales' streams on SoundCloud
+ Klavier spielen lernen mit Chilly Gonzales - Hausmusik zum Selbermachen
gebattmer - 2015/03/24 19:15
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