Star Sponge Vision featuring Jon Povey & Twink (formerly of The Pretty Things) - 'Crowley and Me'
It's 1974 I am sitting with Jimmy Page in the Hyatt hotel on Sunset Blvd watching a film by Kenneth Anger "Scorpio Rising". listening to Jimmy's music. We talk about many things, including his interest in one Aleister Crowley! The seed is sown.
Fast forward to 2016. I have been working with Twink on his "Technicolor Dream" music, adding keyboards and vocals. Twink says "Ever thought about looking into Crowley poetry and writing music to it?" No, I said, another seed drops into my mind. Sometime later I purchase many books about this strange and complicated man, Aleister Crowley. I am glued to the pages...
Textlich ziemlich esoterischer Kram, aber die Musik ist großartig: Parachute-Pretty-Things-mäßig!!
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Crowley and Me
by Star Sponge Vision - Mega Dodo
Jon Povey – Star Sponge Vision – The Pretty Things
The Strange Brew, 1 April 2018 | Category : Podcasts
Jon Povey, formerly of The Pretty Things, reveals gems from his legendary back catalogue plus tracks that have shaped his life. This extensive podcast finishes with a new song from Star Sponge Vision, a new band that Jon has formed with fellow ex-Pretty Thing, Twink.
Fast forward to 2016. I have been working with Twink on his "Technicolor Dream" music, adding keyboards and vocals. Twink says "Ever thought about looking into Crowley poetry and writing music to it?" No, I said, another seed drops into my mind. Sometime later I purchase many books about this strange and complicated man, Aleister Crowley. I am glued to the pages...
Textlich ziemlich esoterischer Kram, aber die Musik ist großartig: Parachute-Pretty-Things-mäßig!!
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Crowley and Me
by Star Sponge Vision - Mega Dodo
Jon Povey – Star Sponge Vision – The Pretty Things
The Strange Brew, 1 April 2018 | Category : Podcasts
Jon Povey, formerly of The Pretty Things, reveals gems from his legendary back catalogue plus tracks that have shaped his life. This extensive podcast finishes with a new song from Star Sponge Vision, a new band that Jon has formed with fellow ex-Pretty Thing, Twink.
gebattmer - 2018/04/08 18:28
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