Zwischentöne mit Musik - Michael Brecker
† 13. Januar 2007 in New York City - „His tone was strong and focused, and some of his recognizable language echoed Coltrane’s sound. But having worked in pop, where a solo must be strong and to the point, Mr. Brecker was above all a condenser of exciting devices into short spaces. He could fold the full pitch range of the horn into a short solo, from altissimo to the lowest notes, and connect rarefied ideas to the rich, soulful phrasing of saxophonists like Junior Walker.“ – New York Times
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Die Ähnlichkeit von Brecker und Seeßlen ist zufällig!
via Proyectos de futuro
Die Ähnlichkeit von Brecker und Seeßlen ist zufällig!
gebattmer - 2011/01/19 21:13
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