Archäologie CVXVVXXXII: Einstürzende Neubauten - Palast der Republik - Der einfache Frieden
"The concert performance (4. November 2004) on this session was filmed at the Palast der Republik in Berlin, the former Parliament building and symbol of the no longer existing DDR (East Germany). The Palast der Republik has since been torn down in order to make space for a new building in the location of the old Royal City Palace. The Neubauten found the steel skeleton of the ruins of the Palast a congenial location for their architectural-musical fanatasies and field studies. Accompanied by a 100 member choir, recruited from the supporters of the Internet project, they played in and with the building in their inimitable, almost literally building-collapsing fashion."
via Swen's Weblog
Musik: "Der einfache Frieden" (Gisela Steineckert)
Lachen Sie bitte nicht sofort, wenn Sie Erich Honnecker sehen. Gisela Steineckerts Text enthält - so naiv er aus heutiger Sicht klingen mag - doch etwas Uneingelöststes, über das trotz aller scheinbarer Banaltät nachzudenken bleibt ...
Siehe auch: Archäologie XXXII - DDR revisited
gebattmer - 2011/04/10 22:38
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