Wise man says (IV) - oder: la plus belle déclaration de vie au monde
2 wunderbare Texte resp. Songs von Robert Wyatt. Un avis en passant sagt zum ersten Depuis 1974, il existe une chanson, la plus belle déclaration de vie au monde. Et c'est l'immense Robert qui en est l'auteur. Un géant. Dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen.
SEA SONG (aus dem 1974er Album Rocky Bottom - hier in einer noch viel schöneren Version):
You look different every time you come
From the foam-crested brine
Your skin shining softly in the moonlight
Partly fish, partly porpoise, partly baby sperm whale
Am I yours? Are you mine to play with?
Joking apart - when you're drunk you're terrific when you're drunk
I like you mostly late at night you're quite alright
But I can't understand the different you in the morning
When it's time to play at being human for a while please smile!
You'll be different in the spring, I know
You're a seasonal beast like the starfish that drift in with the tide
So until your your blood runs to meet the next full moon
You're madness fits in nicely with my own
Your lunacy fits neatly with my own, my very own
We're not alone
Wise men speak ja meistens in diesen gebrochenen Stimmen, wie sie Ray Davies, Bryan Ferry, John Martyn und einige andere auszeichnet, die nicht mehr ihre alten Hits playback singen müssen. Wyatt hatte nie einen und sein Leben war so, dass er so singen kann - und man muss ihn dabei sehen!!:
FREE WILL AND TESTAMENT (aus dem wunderbaren Schleep von 97)
Given free will but within certain limitations,
I cannot will myself to limitless mutations,
I cannot know what I would be if I were not me,
I can only guess me.
So when I say that I know me, how can I know that?
What kind of spider understands arachnophobia?
I have my senses and my sense of having senses.
Do I guide them? Or they me?
The weight of dust exceeds the weight of settled objects.
What can it mean, such gravity without a centre?
Is there freedom to un-be?
Is there freedom from will-to-be?
Sheer momentum makes us act this way or that way.
We just invent or just assume a motivation.
I would disperse, be disconnected. Is this possible?
What are soldiers without a foe?
Be in the air, but not be air, be in the no air.
Be on the loose, neither compacted nor suspended.
Neither born nor left to die.
Had I been free, I could have chosen not to be me.
Demented forces push me madly round a treadmill.
Demented forces push me madly round a treadmill.
Let me off please, I am so tired.
Let me off please, I am so very tired.
Wenn von gebrochenen Stimmen die Rede ist, wäre hier noch einzufügen:
Tom Waits Waltzing Matilda live 1977
SEA SONG (aus dem 1974er Album Rocky Bottom - hier in einer noch viel schöneren Version):
You look different every time you come
From the foam-crested brine
Your skin shining softly in the moonlight
Partly fish, partly porpoise, partly baby sperm whale
Am I yours? Are you mine to play with?
Joking apart - when you're drunk you're terrific when you're drunk
I like you mostly late at night you're quite alright
But I can't understand the different you in the morning
When it's time to play at being human for a while please smile!
You'll be different in the spring, I know
You're a seasonal beast like the starfish that drift in with the tide
So until your your blood runs to meet the next full moon
You're madness fits in nicely with my own
Your lunacy fits neatly with my own, my very own
We're not alone
Wise men speak ja meistens in diesen gebrochenen Stimmen, wie sie Ray Davies, Bryan Ferry, John Martyn und einige andere auszeichnet, die nicht mehr ihre alten Hits playback singen müssen. Wyatt hatte nie einen und sein Leben war so, dass er so singen kann - und man muss ihn dabei sehen!!:
FREE WILL AND TESTAMENT (aus dem wunderbaren Schleep von 97)
Given free will but within certain limitations,
I cannot will myself to limitless mutations,
I cannot know what I would be if I were not me,
I can only guess me.
So when I say that I know me, how can I know that?
What kind of spider understands arachnophobia?
I have my senses and my sense of having senses.
Do I guide them? Or they me?
The weight of dust exceeds the weight of settled objects.
What can it mean, such gravity without a centre?
Is there freedom to un-be?
Is there freedom from will-to-be?
Sheer momentum makes us act this way or that way.
We just invent or just assume a motivation.
I would disperse, be disconnected. Is this possible?
What are soldiers without a foe?
Be in the air, but not be air, be in the no air.
Be on the loose, neither compacted nor suspended.
Neither born nor left to die.
Had I been free, I could have chosen not to be me.
Demented forces push me madly round a treadmill.
Demented forces push me madly round a treadmill.
Let me off please, I am so tired.
Let me off please, I am so very tired.
Wenn von gebrochenen Stimmen die Rede ist, wäre hier noch einzufügen:
Tom Waits Waltzing Matilda live 1977
gebattmer - 2007/11/12 22:37
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