Die "Flüchtlingskrise" und der Dunning-Kruger-Effekt: Als gäbe es zwei Seiten ...
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- Those of you interested in both cognitive phenomena and conservative American political figures will surely have seen ... documentarian Errol Morris’ most recent film The Unknown Known, a long-form conversation with former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. In the years before its release, Morris wrote a five-part series for the New York Times called “The Anosognosic’s Dilemma,” fueled not just by his fascination with Rumsfeld but with his near-obsession over the Dunning-Kruger effect. In it, he actually interviews Dunning himself, who summarizes the issue thus: “We’re not very good at knowing what we don’t know.”
Dunning even brings up the subject of Rumsfeld first, specifically about his speech on “unknown unknowns” that gave Morris’ movie its title. It goes something like this: ‘There are things we know we know about terrorism. There are things we know we don’t know. And there are things that are unknown unknowns. We don’t know that we don’t know.’ He got a lot of grief for that. And I thought, ‘That’s the smartest and most modest thing I’ve heard in a year.'” When Morris followed up, Dunning added that “the notion of unknown unknowns really does resonate with me, and perhaps the idea would resonate with other people if they knew that it originally came from the world of design and engineering rather than Rumsfeld.” Or maybe they could associate it with the Ministry of Silly Walks instead.
(Colin Marshall - OpenCulture)
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[ausführlicher: Errol Morris on "The Unknown Known": The VICE Podcast Show 039]
Eine Anregung, den Dunning-Kruger-Effekt zu berücksichtigen, if you are interested in both cognitive phenomena and ... political figures und sich (vor dem Hintergrund dessen, was Morris über Rumsfeld sagt, noch einmal) anzusehen: Schäuble – Macht und Ohnmacht von Stephan Lamby
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gebattmer - 2016/01/23 19:02
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