... (II)
- “I think – I know – that satire does frighten fascists. Fascists don’t like satire. They don’t like it at all. And they especially don’t enjoy visual satire. Because of its unique power to communicate. As Wittgenstein [Ludwig] asserted, the only thing of value is the thing you cannot say. Sometimes you can’t communicate the idea or the emotion, but a drawing can. You draw something, and people say: ‘Oh, I see what you’re getting at now’.” And that thought, Steadman says, “brings us back to what happened in that room at Charlie Hebdo. Some things,” he adds, “there are no words for”.
By common consent one of the greatest living satirical cartoonists in the world, Ralph Steadman, at 78, is still raging against the dying of the light.
Steadman's original piece for Newsweek in reaction to the Charlie Hebdo Murders finde ich in jeder Hinsicht anregender als die Seiten der aktutellen Ausgabe von Charlie Hebdo (zugegeben: nach flüchtiger Durchsicht) ...
Auch bei der politischen Karikatur muss ja nach der künstlerischen Qualität gefragt werden dürfen ...
gebattmer - 2015/01/15 21:20
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