Aus der sozialen Überdruckkammer (IX): The Trump women learned long ago how to protect their privates parts when Trump is around them
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From the fevered imagination of exilestreet
Die passenden Worte hier: On "Last Week Tonight" John Oliver Destroy Donald Trump on Sexual Assault Remarks | October 10, 2016
Und hier: Dispositiv (VIII): Trumpism - Fake Populism
Nachtrag: #Lavrov on @realDonaldTrump lewd tape: there are so many 'pussies' around presidential campaign on both sides that I prefer not to comment.
Ansonsten möchte ich zu dem Kandidaten nichts sagen:

Archäologie LXXXVI: 9. Januar 1890 - 21.Dezember 1935 - Kurt Tucholsky
gebattmer - 2016/10/10 20:32
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