Die anomische Herrschaft der Rackets (IV) und der verwilderte Leviathan: Welcome to Divide and Rule run amok.
Erhellend wieder THE ROVING EYE: Burn, Men in Black, burn. By Pepe Escobar (Asia Times, June 20, '14), - wenn Sie einigermaßen verlässlich informiert werden wollen über Hintergünde dessen, was da in MIDDLE EAST abgeht:

Worum es nach Escobar geht: Bring on more regime change - Slouching towards Hardcore Sunnistan - Balkanize or bust ...
... ich könnte versuchen, mich flach auf den Bauch zu werfen, aber ich habe Angst, dann vielleicht ohne Beine leben zu müssen. Ich habe nur mein Notizbuch und den Bleistift behalten. Ich werde sie wegwerfen, bevor ich mich auf das andere Bein stelle, und das muß ich, weil ich den Krieg satt habe und weil mir die Ameisen kommen ...
Die anomische Herrschaft der Rackets
- Let's cut to the chase. As in chasing that Zara outdoor summer collection, complete with state of the art assault rifles, brand new white Nike sneakers and brand new, unlimited mileage white Toyotas crossing the Syrian-Iraqi desert; the Badass Jihadis in Black.
Once upon a (very recent) time, the US government used to help only "good terrorists" (in Syria), instead of "bad terrorists". That was an echo of a (less recent) time when it was supporting only "good Taliban" and not "bad Taliban".
So what happens when Brookings Institution so-called "experts" start blabbering that the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) is really the baddest jihadi outfit on the planet (after all they were cast out of al-Qaeda)? Are they so badass that by warped newspeak logic they're now the new normal?
Since late last year, according to US government newspeak, the "good terrorists" in Syria are the al-Qaeda spinoff gang of Jabhat al-Nusra and (disgraced) Prince Bandar bin Sultan, aka Bandar Bush, the Islamic Front (essentially a Jabhat al-Nusra multiple outlet). And yet both Jabhat and ISIS had pledged allegiance to Ayman "the doctor" al-Zawahiri, the perennial gift that keeps on giving al-Qaeda capo.
That still leaves the question of what Men in Black ISIS, the catwalk-conscious beheading stormtroopers for a basket of hardcore tribal Sunnis and Ba'ath party "remnants" (remember Rummy in 2003?) are really up to...

Worum es nach Escobar geht: Bring on more regime change - Slouching towards Hardcore Sunnistan - Balkanize or bust ...
- Meanwhile, in the Land of Oz, the Pentagon will certainly be able to extract extra funds for its perennial crusade to save Western civilization from Islamist terror. After all, there's a (ski masked) neo-Osama bin Laden in da hood.
Although the majority of Iraqis reject balkanization, Sunnis will keep accusing Shi'ites of being Iranian pawns, and Shi'ites will keep accusing Sunnis of being the House of Saud's fifth column. ISIS will keep getting loads of cash from wealthy Saudi "donors". The US government will keep weaponizing Sunnis in Syria against Shi'ites and (perhaps) conducting soft "targeted military strikes" for Shi'ites against Sunnis in Iraq. Welcome to Divide and Rule run amok.
... ich könnte versuchen, mich flach auf den Bauch zu werfen, aber ich habe Angst, dann vielleicht ohne Beine leben zu müssen. Ich habe nur mein Notizbuch und den Bleistift behalten. Ich werde sie wegwerfen, bevor ich mich auf das andere Bein stelle, und das muß ich, weil ich den Krieg satt habe und weil mir die Ameisen kommen ...
Die anomische Herrschaft der Rackets
gebattmer - 2014/06/26 19:14
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