



Van Morrison
Roll with the Punches

Chilly Gonzales und Jarvis Cocker
Room 29

Blackfield (Aviv Geffen & Steven Wilson)
Blackfield V

Jeff Beck
Loud Hailer

Daniel Hope
Escape to Paradise

Daniel Hope

Jonathan Rudess

Animals As Leaders
The Joy Of Motion

Valentyne Suite

Jack Bruce
Harmony Row

Spooky Tooth
Spooky Two


Richie Havens
Nobody Left to Crown

Dimitri Schostakowitsch, Mariss Jansons
Sinfonien 1-15

Moondog & the London Saxophoni
Sax Pax for a Sax

GBlog&read - Nutzen Sie die Hinweise zur Orientierung und kaufen Sie dann beim Buchhändler um die Ecke

Uwe Timm

Christoph Ransmayr:
Cox oder Der Lauf der Zeit

Steffen Kopetzky

José Saramago

Eva Menasse

Roberto Bolaño

Tschingis Aitmatow
Der erste Lehrer

Uwe Timm

Leonardo Padura
Adiós Hemingway

Antonio Skarmeta
Mit brennender Geduld

Jose Saramago
Die Stadt der Blinden

Edgar Hilsenrath
Nacht: Roman

Rolf Dubs

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Archäologie CVIX: It's The Singer And The Song - Tom Robinson

Herr G. wird morgen 62, Chris Farlowe wurde vor einer Woche 70 und John Lennon wäre 70 geworden und Jim Morrison würde demnächst 67; kürzlich sah ich Leonard Cohen (76) und Steve Gibbons (69) auf der Bühne und ich freue mich auf Ray Davies (66) in Kürze erscheinendes Album, finde Elton Johns (63) The Union mit Leon Russell (68) nicht schlecht und auch Claptons (65) Clapton nicht, wo ich ja schon Brian Wilsons (68) Re-Gershwin empfahl und Jeff Beck (66) für den Meister überhaupt halte; - so stellte sich mir die Frage, ob es überhaupt noch vergleichbar charismatische jüngere Musiker gibt, die sich in diese Hall of Fame aufnehmen ließen.

Tom Robinson (b.1950) is a bisexual songwriter & broadcaster based in London, UK. Known in the 1970s as an anti-racist and gay rights campaigner he released 19 albums with various bands between 1975 and 2001. Since 2002 he's worked full-time as a radio presenter introducing new bands and recording artists at BBC 6 Music.

Auf seiner hervorragenden Seite finden Sie alles, was Sie über Tom Robinson wissen müssen. Sie können seine Sendung Fresh On The Net (immer aktuell mit dem BBCplayer) hören, seine interessante Bio- und Discographie erforschen: Robinson hat fast alle seiner Album zum freien Download ins Netz gestellt - und es gibt fast kein Lied, das den Download nicht lohnen würde!!

Zum aktuellen Kirchenstreit sei empfohlen:

... und mit Bezug zu meinen einleitenden Bemerkungen müssen Sie noch Days That Changed The World hören und sich an TRB's 2-4-6-8 Motorway erinnern (oder es kennenlernen!):

Tom Robinson 60th birthday compilation by tomrobinson

It was in the days of discontent
Of anarchy and rage
When Babylon was burning
That the music came of age
The bands were fast and furious
Commitment was the word
The future still unwritten
In the days that changed the world

It started out by word of mouth
That great unholy din
From auntie's midnight rambler
And the NME within
An empire seemed to tremble
As the revolution stirred
The pistols they were loaded
In the days that changed the world

Days that changed the world...
The days that changed the world...
The pistols they were loaded in
the days that changed the world

When Ziggy got his big idea
And Slowhand showed his cards
We rallied to the carnival
And partied in the parks
Fat Martin and his bullyboys
From marching were deterred
When black and white united in
The days that changed the world

But later on the telethon
The stars came out to play
The global conscience came alive
To feed the world that day
And after famous, rich and laid
The saint became a sir
He earned his reputation in
A day that changed the world

The days that changed the world...
A day that changed the world...
He earned his reputation in
a day that changed the world

The songs have been forgotten
And the Verses have been burned
While dirty Mags and Rupert's rags
Have left no stone unturned
With talking vermin crawling out
In colours new unfurled
Like you and I they all survived
The days that changed the world

Now Johnny's wearing Mambo suits
With thinning orange hair
And Joseph in his combat coat's
a denim millionaire
And me - so glad to be a dad
and living with a girl -
I hardly ever think about
The days that changed the world

Days that changed the world...
The days that changed the world...
I hardly ever think about
The days that changed the world

But sometimes in the dead of night
I dream of other men
Of Rolan Adams, Rodney King
and Jean Marie Le Pen,
The many friends who passed away
Whose voice was never heard...
Humanity's still waiting for
The days that change the world

Days that change the world...
The days that change the world...
Humanity's still aching for
The days that change the world


Update -später gefunden:
Co-written With Peter Gabriel by tomrobinson

Trackback URL:

Wise Man Says

"Es gibt so viele Arschloch-Typen wie es menschliche Funktionen, Tätigkeiten und Interessengebiete gibt. Und auf jedem Gebiet kann das Verhältnis von AQ zu IQ ein anderes sein. Kein noch so kopfdenkerisches Verhalten bei einem Thema bietet Gewähr dafür, dass nicht schon beim nächsten der Arschdenk mit voller Wucht einsetzt." Charles Lewinsky, Der A-Quotient

Wise Man Says II

"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." Frank Zappa


The music featured on this blog is, of course, for evaluation and promotion purposes only. If you like what you hear then go out and try and buy the original recordings or go to a concert... or give money to a down on his luck musician, or sponsor a good busker, it may be the start of something beautiful. If your music is on this blog and you wish it removed, tell us and it shall be removed.


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